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2024 CAR Management Briefing Seminars (PAVE Speaker)

Date & Time:

August 5, 2024 - August 8, 2024

PAVE’s Executive Director Tara Andringa will be speaking at the CAR Management Briefing Seminars this August. The event will take place August 5-8, 2024, in Traverse City, MI. Tara will be speaking on the topic of last mile delivery in AV investments. Session details below:

Is the Last Mile the Holy Grail of AV Investment? Separating Hype from Reality
August 6, 2024, 1:45 – 2:30 PM
For years, the promise of autonomous vehicles (AVs) revolutionizing the “Last Mile”-the final stage of delivery directly to customers-has ignited the investment scene. Headlines scream of autonomous fleets delivering pizzas, groceries, and parcels, painting a picture of instant profits and transportation utopia. But is this booming optimism grounded in reality, or are we chasing a glittering mirage? This session strips away the hype to uncover the true potential and challenges of AV technology in the Last Mile. We’ll explore the diverse applications and critically examine the technical, regulatory, and economic hurdles that stand in the way of widespread adoption. Join us as we separate inflated expectations from achievable goals and timelines, equipping you with the knowledge to navigate the complexities of this rapidly evolving landscape. Whether you’re an investor seeking clarity, an industry professional grappling with implementation, or simply curious about the future of transportation, this session is your chance to separate the hype from reality and make informed decisions about Last Mile and technology.