PAVE Europe Joins the Diversify-CCAM Project to Support Inclusiveness and Equity in Mobility Solutions

PAVE Europe is pleased to announce our participation in the Diversify-CCAM project, an important initiative that is funded by the European Commission.

Diversify-CCAM aims to address one of the most significant challenges facing Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM) solutions today: the difficultly of communicating their benefits and adapting to diverse environments where people live and work. By integrating cultural, geographical, and policy considerations into the design and implementation of autonomous vehicle technology, this project seeks to promote fair and accessible mobility across Europe.

Through collaboration, PAVE Europe aims to foster a deeper understanding of varying societal contexts that influence the adoption and acceptance of autonomous vehicles, to help shape a future where these technologies are both inclusive and equitable.

About the Diversify-CCAM Project

Automated mobility solutions currently face the issue of acceptance for a number of factors, however the challenge of effectively convey the opportunity within existing mobility systems and of adapting to diverse environments is a critical one. This project aims to directly address these issues by promoting fair and accessibly mobility across various European regions. It spans six European countries – Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, Germany, Spain, and Sweden – where 12 pilot sites have been established to collect and evaluate data.

In participating country, two distinct areas will be monitored: one that focuses on the mobility of people within urban environments that are already equipped with automated vehicle technology, and another which will concentrate on mixed transport solutions (people and small goods) within rural or touristic areas. The different contexts will be monitored to determine our understanding of the societal, cultural, and geographical factors that impact the acceptance, adoption and effectiveness of these technologies.

The project will also seek to identify the challenges and barriers that hinder the success of shared mobility services, particularly in regions that have unique demands.

Guido Di Pasquale, Managing Director at PAVE Europe says: “The Diversify-CCAM project represents a great opportunity to rethink how automated vehicle technology can be designed and implemented to serve everyone, regardless of where they live or what their mobility needs are. We are excited to collaborate with our partners to ensure that these technologies pave the way for a future that benefits all Europeans.”

Diversify-CCAM is a collaborative project involving partners from various countries in Europe. This consortium is dedicated to ensuring that the development and deployment of autonomous vehicle technologies are aligned with the diverse needs of European citizens.

Follow this page for updates on the Diversify-CCAM project.

The Diversify-CCAM project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101147484. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Climate, Infrastructure, and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.