Support Public Education on Automated Vehicle Technology
We work with broad audiences, from students to seniors, to share information about AVs and help to cut through the hype. PAVE members have the opportunity to engage firsthand with the public at workshops, town halls, fairs, expos, and more.
Participate in Public Sector Education & Engagement
PAVE seeks to empower public policymakers through a greater understanding of automated technologies. As a PAVE member, you have opportunities to join our public sector workshops and other activities with public officials, as well as work with PAVE’s Public Sector Advisory Council on many educational initiatives.
Amplify your Brand in the AV Community
Demonstrate your commitment to public education through your PAVE partnership! We highlight the innovation, creativity, and critical work of our members on our website, on social media, in our marketing collateral, and at events.
Speak on a PAVECast or Virtual Panel
PAVE hosts an award-winning virtual panel series and the PAVEcast podcast, which garner thousands of views and downloads every year. Members are welcome to join us on these digital platforms to share their expertise or to talk about innovations they’re working on.
Speak at the Coalition’s Educational Events
If you’re looking for speaking opportunities for your leadership, PAVE organizes workshops, seminars, and listening sessions for a wide variety of audiences. Members are invited to join us as speakers, co-hosts, and/or exhibitors wherever we go! We also maintain an online Speakers Bureau, which any member is welcome to join.
Share Your Work on PAVE’s Resource Database
PAVE’s extensive online resource library is a great place to showcase and promote your recent work to new audiences. We house thousands of white papers, webinars, articles, etc., on broad AV-related topics.
Engage with Our Wide Network
PAVE’s network encompasses the broad AV ecosystem, from corporations to consumer groups. We provide opportunities for networking throughout the year, and each fall, we host an annual meeting where we catch up on PAVE initiatives, gather member feedback, and plan future initiatives.
Receive PAVE’s Weekly News RoundupÂ
Our weekly news roundup contains the latest AV news so you can stay up-to-date on industry developments. Every member receives this email with the week’s AV headlines.
From PAVE's founding, Aurora has been incredibly proud to support its work to educate and excite the public about the benefits of AVs from improved safety on our roads to resilient supply chains and exciting jobs!
© 2025 Partners for Automated Vehicle Education.
All Rights Reserved.
© 2025 Partners for Automated Vehicle Education. All Rights Reserved.