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Louisiana CAV Innovation Day

Date & Time:

April 30, 2025

In coordination with its CAV Working Group, DOTD is hosting the first-ever CAV Innovation Day on April 30, 2025.  The one-day event will feature panel programming, CAV technology displays and demonstrations, presentations, networking opportunities, and more. If you’re interested in demonstrations, exhibits, and/or speaking opportunities, please let us know!

Louisiana Department of Transportation has also developed a Request for Engagement (RFE) as part of a larger effort to gather initial information from as many industry experts and potential suppliers as possible about their products, services, and capabilities. The RFE will help the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development’s Intelligent Transportation Systems Section (DOTD-ITS) understand the market landscape and how potential solutions align with Louisiana’s needs and unique operating environment. The primary focus of this RFE is CAV operations and ITS solutions to directly support the safe operations of CAV.
